Saturday, September 15, 2007

RSS Feeds Complete!

I can already see that RSS for this class is going to a major time saver. I have everyone's blog set up through Bloglines and can easily monitor when new content has been added. I included my own blog to follow any comments posted by others from class even though Blogger has an e-mail feature to let me know when comments are posted.

I like it all being through one feed. The new Outlook 2007 also allows for RSS feeds to come right through to my e-mail but only work is updated to 2007 and not at home.

It was super easy to set up so if you haven't started using RSS options yet now is the time to do it!

I also included some feeds for librarians in my list including NYT, Washington Post, and USA Today book reviews. Plus, a neat site I was not aware of called the Librarians' Internet Index.


Heather Farley said...

I may have to look into RSS feeds. It seems like it would be an extreme time-saver. Thanks for the tip!

kristyheath said...

So, the RSS feed could save me more time than just bookmarking the blogs? I wish I would have read this before I bookmarked everything. Thanks!

Shane said...

Hi Christine! Good job on familiarizing yourself with RSS feeds! I intend to install Outlook 07 within the next week when I revamp my system. I may need to investigate then--thanks for the tip. Great to meet you!

Al'sBlog said...

The RSS feed sounds great. I have to set that up myself. So You are a news junkie too. I guess I have gone the whole gammit, but I follow CNN and FOX in addition to talk radio. I am in my car so much.